Medication is just part of the solution for ADHD treatment, a piece of the puzzle, but it is absolutely not the whole picture. There are plenty of non-pharmacological options for treatment which many will find beneficial and this approach may be suggested by your doctor in addition to, or instead of, taking medication.
The ADHD Foundation have a wide range of videos, podcasts and downloads to help with concerns such as sleep support, preparing for exams, impulse control and risk management, supporting social skills and relationships, and staying calm and positive.
CBT is very helpful for many people with neurodiversity. Low self-esteem is prevalent, as many people will have frequently been told that they are lazy or disruptive on a regular basis, and the frustration with not being able to achieve as they would like to can be difficult to come to terms with. CBT can also be helpful for those common issues such productivity, executive function, problem solving, and active listening skills. There is good range of free CBT modules on CCI and NHS Scotland has a free module on problem-solving.
There are now a plethora of apps to help people with ADHD. Time management is a perennial issue and there are apps that help to organise time, block distractions for a period of time, track how much time is being spent on activity and assist in managing procrastination. There is a good overview of apps on the ADDitude site and also a good round up from Devon NHS Trust .
Sleep disturbance is an incredibly common issue in ADHD and the ADDISS website has a very useful download for parents who are struggling to manage their child’s ADHD sleep and the ADHD foundation has a page of different resources here.
Exercise is well recognised for its mental health benefits and anecdotally helps keep the fidgets at bay. In addition, it has become more apparent that the benefits go further than this in ADHD, helping to improve attention, impulsivity and executive functioning.
NHS Lothian have put together a useful resource pack for guiding patients through the self-help.